There is a bunch of information out there in the internet about how to prepare yourself for a successful presentation. Each part is important and you need to catch your audience with every single part.
One detail though cannot be repeated often enough: You will never be able to explain all your brilliant thoughts at once. Do yourself the favor and go with KISS: "Keep It Short and Sweet"
Read the article “How Software Entrepreneurs Can be Successful Presenters to Investors” by Ed Harley, Chair Emeritus of the Keiretsu Forum Software Committee.
View the video from Nathan Gold, The Demo Coach, on “How To Pitch To Investors With 13 Slides In Under 10-Minutes” . Nathan Gold coaches people around the world on how to prepare for high-stakes speaking opportunities through keynotes, workshops, and 1:1 sessions both in person and online. The Wall Street Journal called Nathan, "An elevator pitch expert."
Take some time to review the "Keiretsu Forum Due Diligence Handbook" . It´ is a complete and detailed guide through the entire process of DD in 414 pages. Presentation principles are discussed as well!
For shorter evenings: Review the “Top Ten Tips of the Keiretsu-Funded Entrepreneur“ and learn why 'the “returns” on the entrance fee are endless!‘
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